Unique by each Guard
Spelheim Royal Guard is directly responsible for the protection of her royal family. The guards are assembled into two watches, the “Moon Watch” and the “Sun Watch”. Each halve is numbering precisely six members at any given time. The members of the watch are codenamed numerically within their halve, for example “Third Sun” and the “First Moon”
The Royal Guard wears concealing gold and silver cloaks and large, ornate headdresses adorned with either a moon or sun symbol. Beneath their ceremonial attire, they wear light body armor.

The royal guardsman “Third Sun” accompanied prince Meru to Midgård in participation to the “Aggregation of Freya’s Love”

Meru’s royal guard accompanies him through the war-torn Midgård.

“Third Sun” is shot by a feline sniper to drive prince Meru away from a combat zone.
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